• Quips and Quotes

      This week I stumbled upon several meaningful quotes while thumbing through newspapers and magazines.  It was like finding water in the desert.  I dedicate so much time to visual consumption that I have neglected one of my first passions … the written word,  I love a well- crafted phrase.  The right combination of words can be truly magical – evoking sentiment, laughter, insight or inspiration.  I may produce a blog about “all things design” – that I admit is 85% photos – but I do consider the words as important as the images.  Hopefully I engage my readers with each opening paragraph by delivering a thoughtful, humorous and/or compelling…

  • Much Ado About Nothing

       I had my heart set on a particular feature this week, but I can’t find the key image.  And although I have 30 or so folders containing potential posts stocked away in my computer, I’m just not feeling it for any of them right now.  The truth for lifestyle bloggers is that we do feel the need to deliver something meaningful and beautiful and somewhat original to our audience.  And as a practicing designer with my own firm, I feel a particular obligation to perform.  Excellence in design is my professional pursuit – churning out or championing mediocrity does not hold particular appeal.  So with that in mind, I…