• Gorgeous George(town)

      I spent Thursday evening at the incredible home of Deborah and Curtin Winsor in Georgetown.

    They graciously hosted the Georgetown House Tour Patrons’ Party in their 34th Street residence.

    The impeccable interior, sprawling garden and sheer size of the house left all who attended in awe.

    Debbie and Curt are old friends and couldn’t be a lovelier couple – their gracious, relaxed style

    was the perfect complement to an elegant evening.  So how did this guest return their hospitality?

    I made my way around the first floor snapping photos with my iphone.  What can I say?  I’m an

    interior designer, blogger and columnist – I can’t help myself!  But being the gentleman that he is,

    Curt was happy to oblige and shared some fantastic renovation stories with me.  This power couple

    not only powered through a complete gut job of the house, but did so in record time.  The result

    is a grand, yet warm and comfortable family home nestled in the heart of Georgetown.

    Please forgive the quality of my photos – I was trying to be inconspicuous ; )





    winsor exterior

    A view of the residence from 34th Street.

    (photo courtesy of The Georgetown Dish)






    Winsor hallA 


    Entrance hall with seagrass and classical mouldings.

    (photo by Christy Schlesinger – my partner in crime for the evening)









    The sitting room has chocolate painted walls and Fortuny drapes.







    William Morris paper and a marble-topped demilune vanity in the powder room.






    The first floor public rooms are connected to the garden level rooms with a wide sweeping stair.

    winsor LR

    The salon with its knole sofa, family portraits and garden views is polished and bold.

    (photo courtesy of Washington Life)






    The contrasting palette of creams and browns continues in the dining room …

    Winsor DR 2A





    winsor kitchen

    … And kitchen.  Two seating areas, a separate bar and professional grade appliances.  Fabulous!



    Thank you to the Winsors and the Patrons’ Party hosts for a beautiful event.

    And don’t forget!  The Georgetown House Tour is this Saturday from 11:00AM to 5:00PM.




  • Tip deLuxe


    It’s a tough time for fashionistas.

    Most of our pocket books are quite a bit thinner these days and [God help us]

    the 80s are making a comeback on the runway and in department stores.  So I

    was more than a little discouraged when I started my spring shopping a few weeks

    ago.  Faded blue jeans, buttoned shoulder details and ruffled skirts?  Bleh – If I

    couldn’t pull it off at 16, it’s not going to work at 39.  However, while amusing myself

    with a tour de force of the local retailers in Carefree, Arizona this weekend, I found

    my salvation in the least likely of places … the strip mall.  That’s right.  Armed with

    Starbucks latté in hand, I mosied over to Target, then Sherre’s and made a final

    stop at Chico’s (gasp!).  Not only did I find a selection of cosmetics, lingerie and

    clothing that were surprisingly fabulous, but not a single item approached the $100

    mark.  That’s worth a trip to the strip anytime.  Trade in the title "fashionista" for

    "recessionista"?  Maybe not so painful after all. 






    1 177

    Look at all my goodies!




    Shots of all my fun tops.




    1 157

    This beaded jacket only cost me $65 – Can you believe it?!



    target shades 3

    Trying on cheap and chic glasses at Target.




    And I love the cosmetics section.  Target carries some fantastic brands.

    Napoleon Perdis, Jemma Kidd, Boots, Sonia Kashuk and Pixi.



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    Hip, colorful compacts from Napoleon Perdis.



    1 134

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    And rising star Jemma Kidd’s line is the hippest thing in the UK and now the US.




    1 187

    Boots – another UK import – has super skincare products.




    1 161

    1 166

    While Target veteran Sonia Kashuk makes professional-style

    brushes like these as part of her cosmetics line.




    1 146

    Rocking old school peds is another great way to save money without skimping on style.

    I love my Dr. Scholl’s and Minnetonka Moccasins.  The mocs cost less than $35

    and a friend picked up the sandals for me at a garage sale.  Now that’s a deal!









    Shopping in unexpected places usually yields me positive results.  I found

    these tunics at Timothy Paul – a home and bedding store – for under $50 each.

    Imagine how much two Tory Burch tunics would have cost me.  









    And what better to pair with the items above than a vintage ring or brooch.

    Need a new vintage source?  Try your mother.  That fabulous costume

    jewelry she sported in the 70s will give your outfit just the kick it needs!




    Still need some help stretching those recessionista dollars?  The 8 principles below got me

    through my lean graduate school years and have been my standards for shopping ever since.


    1.  Take stock before you shop. 

    Go through your closet and make a list of what you need.  You’ll avoid purchasing

    those items you buy again and again even though you have too many already.

    Do you really need another Hermes scarf?


    2.  Avoid trendy looks – especially unflattering ones. 

    NO ONE looks good in parachute pants.


    3.  Cover the basics.  Flattering jeans, tailored black slacks, lightweight sweaters, simple tailored

    tees and good shoes.  These are the items that build the foundation of your wardrobe.


    4.  Buy items that can work in multiple seasons or that can be layered easily.


    5.  Shop out of season.  This is a hard one for me and something I need to work on.

    Clearly, winter boots are going to cost less now than when November rolls around.


    6.  Accessorize with jewelry, scarves, hats, etc. 

    One outfit can transform into multiple looks depending on your accessories.


    7.  Be careful of sales.  You’ll end up buying more than you want and not what you need.


    8.  Invest in quality.  I have pieces in my closet that are 10-20 years old. 

    They still look good and add something unique to my wardrobe.



    Consumers in crisis - this too shall pass.

    Tricia xo


  • Spring Fever – DC Style

    I don’t think I have ever been so excited for spring.

    We just endured a brutal winter here in Washington and I think we’re

    all ready for a new season.  The good news is that thanks to all that snow,

    spring seems to have come early to the nation’s capital.  Our magnificent

    cherry blossoms are already blooming and this past weekend’s temps were

    absolutely heaven-sent.  In celebration of nature’s glorious transformation,

    Luxe & Lucid is highlighting all things fun, fresh and flowery this week.

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh … spring has arrived!







    h&g chloe sevigny

    H&G’s 2007 issue with Chloë Sevigny embodies the magic of spring.

    The stone terrace, the roses, the dress … inspiring and lovely.







    Is there a more beautiful spot in spring than DC’s tidal basin?!






     The perfect finish to a day of viewing cherry blossoms?  A late afternoon lunch with

    your beau in a romantic setting like The Greenhouse at The Jefferson hotel below. 










    Or for true al fresco dining, try DC hotspots Perry’s in Adams Morgan,

    Poste Moderne in Penn Quarter and Kafe Leopold’s in Georgetown.



    louis vuitton lara stone

    Or just skip lunch altogether and have a sexy, disheveled romp in the park! 

    Louis Vuitton does it with dirt, doves and Lara Stone.





    I do actually love spending my weekends in the park (sans romp); it’s a necessity

    when one has a dog.  DC has incredible outdoor destinations.  My favorites are

    Montrose, Battery Kemble and Dumbarton Oaks above.  




    Great for casual Saturdays and Sundays walking around Georgetown,

    these bamboo-buckled Gucci flats are a warm weather staple for me.




    As is this playful tote.  I call it my “brunch bag".  I carry it on

    weekends when I’m running errands and lunching with my girls.



    Ts looks 01

    As for the rest of my spring wardrobe – I need to do some serious shopping.

    Here are some looks I’d like to rock … from Jigsaw, Two Minds and Pucci respectively.




    And for evening maybe a flowing pastel ensemble from Donna Karan.




    Perfectly timed with the onset of spring, I received this card last week.  The modern

    cherry blossom motif speaks to the brighter, sunnier days of spring.  It inspires

    me to punch up my interiors with deep, saturated colors – especially yellow.



    vicente wolf

    Like the chairs in this Vicente Wolf dining room …





    … and the walls in this dynamic bedroom.

    (who’s the designer?!)



    Luxe & Lucid wishes everyone a wonderful spring.

    And come see the cherry blossoms if you can – you'll never forget it!




    Tricia xo








  • Crushing It


    Last week – the Oscars.  This week – Vanity Fair.  Every week deserves a dose

    of Mr. Firth.  Handsome and elegant with disarming British wit, this talented and

    considerate actor is the picture of perfection.  As a designer, aesthete and woman

    I can’t get enough.  After all, a girl cannot live on interiors and fashion alone.

    Ladies beware, you too may be crushing on Colin before this post is through.



























    colin overcoat






    Colin_Firth khkj

    ColinFirth_Pimen_5936323_400.jpg image by kim_thorpe


    love-actually colin kissing




    Apartment Zero


    Pride and Prejudice

    The English Patient

    Shakespeare in Love

    Bridget Jones's Diary

    Girl with a Pearl Earring

    Love Actually


    Then She Found Me

    A Single Man

  • A Day in the Life

    Ah yes.  The glamorous life of an interior designer.  Luxurious textiles, high-priced antiques,

    trips to Europe and … hanging from a second story window in the middle of winter?

    Yup, that’s my life.  I try to keep the minutiae and pedestrian aspects of my job “behind the curtain”

    so to speak.  There’s no sense in exposing clients or the general public to the daily grind of the design

    business.  One, because the end result would lose some of its magic and two, because it can really

    stress people out.  However, sometimes my adventures in decorating are just too crazy not to share.  So

    for your entertainment, please enjoy the play-by-play of a daybed delivery last week.  Now you know –

    I don't spend my days lounging around picking paint colors and eating bonbons.  This is work people!







    After 30 minutes of maneuvering, the guys give up.

    I knew it wouldn’t fit and planned accordingly, but sometimes the movers hope for a little luck.







    Preparing to carry the [very heavy] daybed back downstairs.  We'll have to hoist it through a window.   











    … without completely destroying the window frame and adjacent walls.


































    The window is out and we can all breathe a sigh of relief.











    12:30PM:  OUT FRONT

    Brian, Tony and Al plan their attack for the window while my incredibly patient client looks on.




















    I advise my client to go inside; she does not want to watch this.

    Now she knows why I had recommended that she and her husband go out for lunch during the delivery.












    In fact, I can’t bear to watch and move to another part of the house.










    1:40PM:  HALLELUJAH!

    The daybed is in and all is right with the world again.
















































    And this is why I love my job!


    Thanks to 1st Class, Al Sousson and my wonderful clients!




  • Singin’ the Blues

    I was recently asked by a publisher what I thought the prevailing design trend for 2010

    would be.  My answer was immediate and definitive – seen here in the quote I sent her:



    Prussian, Midnight, Cerulean & Turquoise.

    Everyone is looking to get a lot of "bang for their buck" these days and that applies to

    color as well.  Deep, intoxicating colors like those mentioned above bring a sense of

    richness to a room when applied to walls (with paint, paper or fabric).  Moreover, these

    shades of blue are überhip – perfect for the young, the bold and the stylish among us. 


    Lo and behold, the next day Elle Decor’s March issue dropped with a deep blue room on the cover.  Snap!








    The aforementioned cover – evidence of my intuition, insight, brilliance???  ; )





    elledecor-blue2 compr

    And a sick spread inside featuring GORGEOUS jewelry and home accessories.





    One of my favorite Vogue covers of all time.  Winona never looked so beautiful.





    steven gambrel's home west village

    Steven Gambrel’s west village townhouse.  Blue that’s sexy and masculine and unexpected.  Perfection.




    And wouldn’t you love to drive home to chez fabulous in a 1968 midnight blue Jaguar?



    Maybe you’re a little more diva and a little less duchess?

    You might prefer to put your Manolo to the metal in an electric blue model from ‘84.





    Gucci Debra heels

    These stilettos would do the trick!  Gucci’s Debra heel.




    After a long day of wearing said stilettos, it’s time for a comfy pair of slippers.

    Textile maven Gretchen Bellinger made these plush peds for me in a luxurious Bellinger mohair.

    Yes, she's a rock star and yes, I worship her.









    Gretchen Bellinger










    A vintage silk folding screen in my bedroom as seen behind my slippers in the photo above.




    And a beautiful blue Degas book on my bedside table.


    TP pillows 2 - Copy

    Timothy Paul carries linens, accessories and some of the most beautiful pillows in town.



    david collins - remember the london

    david collins london apartment 1_2


    David Collins' London home is a lesson in layering … dozens of shades of blue.

    The gorgeous spread was featured in Spanish AD.

    mad men - Joan Holloway blue dress

    The perfect foil to the Collins' living room above?  Joan Holloway sipping a cocktail.









    miles redd hague blue


    Miles Redd is a designer who knows how to sex-up interiors with bright, bold colors.









    vogue nippon feb 2010 CC magstyle tfs


    Dress as Caribbean vacation in last month’s Vogue Nippon.









    muriel brandolini compr


    Muriel Brandolini mixing cobalt, acid yellow and magenta in her own New York parlor.








    balenciaga fall09 - Copy

    The same colors as seen in Balenciaga’s fall ‘09 ad campaign with Jennifer Connelly.












    The Stella McCartney bag I carry during the winter months.

    The color changes from indigo to midnight to black depending on the light.



    portrait final - Copy - Copy (2)

    And the electric blue hooded jacket I love to layer over simple slacks and tees.




    Xmas Card 2009 - P1

    Xmas Card 2009 - P2

    I was deeply imbedded in my blue obsession as of December – my 2009 holiday cards.





    blue clutches


    Two clutches from Vivre.  This company always nails it with accessories.










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    One doesn’t typically associate cameos with cobalt blue … but how striking!









    bilhuber penn farmhouse - bm van deusen blue


    A country home with a complex and completely original palette like only my man JB could do.

    ladies in blue

    For evening, dramatic blues look best on strong, sexy, confident women.




    And let’s not forget about the original indigo – denim.  Whether dressed up or dressed down,

    jeans are ALWAYS sexy.  Illustrated by BFF's Katie Holmes and Victoria Beckham.



  • Tip deLuxe


    I’ve been sick this week.  A huge bummer that doesn’t leave much room for blogging!

    So here’s a quick tip to tide you over until my next post.

    Tricia xo 

    For most Washingtonians, Snowmageddon has taken its toll.  We're worn out, burnt out

    and bummed out.  Whether you’re looking for an escape from the snow or require a little

    personal inspiration, a museum is a great place to start.  There are some fantastic exhibits

    on display right now in the nation's capital.  So just when you've begun to question your

    reasons for living here – guilty as charged – remember, we're privy to some of the most

    incredible art (and architecture and history) in the world.  And it's right at our fingertips. 

    People, this is  W A S H I N G T O N   D C.  Snow be damned!     










    Georgia O'Keeffe: Abstraction

    The Phillips Collection

    February 6, 2010 – May 9, 2010








    portraiture now


    Portraiture Now: Communities

    National Portrait Gallery

    November 6, 2009 – July 5, 2010










    Terra Cotta Warriors: Guardians of China's First Emperor

    National Geographic Museum

    November 19, 2009 – March 31, 2010






    Josef Albers: Innovation and Inspiration


    February 13, 2010 – April 11, 2010










    A Dream … but not Yours: Contemporary Art from Turkey

    National Museum of Women in the Arts

    February 12, 2010 – May 16, 2010





    davies_nmw_0909_07 cezanne


    Turner to Cézanne: Masterpieces from the Davies Collection, National Museum of Wales

    Corcoran Gallery of Art

    January 30, 2010 – April 25, 2010











  • What a Girl Wants

    OK boys.

    It’s time to snap out of that beer-and-chips induced Superbowl fog and back into reality.

    That’s right. Valentine’s Day is Sunday.  Am I sensing a little panic?  Maybe a cold sweat?

    But don’t worry – I’m here to help.  And I’ll let you in on a little secret.  We’re not looking for

    diamonds or a trip to Bora Bora.  What we want from you is a little effort and a bit of insight

    into what's important to us.  It shows you care.  It shows you listen.  So follow the guidelines

    below and show the girl you love that, yes, YOU ARE THE MAN!









    Receiving flowers from a man is one of life’s simple pleasures.  Alas, all flowers are not the

    same.  You may think a dozen red roses from the local grocery store is a nice gift.  But you

    might as well pick up a MacDonald’s Big Mac and wrap it with a red bow.  Cheap and easy

    is not the way to say “Je t’aime”.  Think unique, glamorous, one-of-a-kind … like your beloved.



    Lush arrangements that are colorful and dramatic.





    Michael Lanni’s creations are unique, architectural and exotic.








    I’ve mentioned before how much I love Saipua’s flowers.  But they only deliver in

    New York.  So if you’re lucky enough to live in Manhattan or Brooklyn, it’s time

    to drop some not-so-subtle hints to your man about these incredible blooms.






    Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but these days I find many women are less concerned

    with jewelry houses and labels and more interested in unique, statement-making pieces. 



    vivre jewelry



    This catalog is my go-to source for everything chic and dramatic, especially jewelry.  Fabulous!


    Bobbie Medlin

    Bobbie is local, but her pieces have global sophistication. 

    Her one-of-a-kind necklaces are for the the chic, risk-taking woman.


    Robin Katz

    For the woman who loves vintage.  This jeweler’s inventory always blows my mind.



    Not all girls love chocolate, but those who do are typically fanatics.  If so, a Whitman’s

    sampler isn’t going to cut it.  Washington has some fabulous chocolate shops with staff

    who are knowledgeable and eager to help you select that perfect Valentine’s Day treat.






    This Belgian café has a delicious menu, wine and beer, outdoor seating and delightful service.

    And then there’s the chocolate.  Owner and chef Niel Piferoen creates his specialty  

    pastries, truffles, etc. on site.  A true gem for the beau who aims to impress.









    Artisan Confections

    Virginia native Jason Andelman creates hip, modern confections.








    For me the key to a romantic dinner is an intimate space, a unique menu, stellar

    service and a dimly lit, sultry atmosphere,  Ask for a booth with some privacy,

    but avoid no-man’s land in the back; you want to enjoy the buzz of the restaurant.




    Bourbon Steak at The Four Seasons

    Elegant interior, elegant cuisine, elegant service.








    Sophisticated dining in a laid-back environment.






    Darlington House

    Fashionable and romantic – imagine Jimmy Choo as a restaurateur.





    And don’t forget to tell your girl just how much you love her with a handwritten note!



    This exquisite Valentine is a Delphine Studio design available through Etsy.





  • Purple Reign

    It's over.

    I'm not a guy, I'm not a jock and I haven't lived in Minnesota for twenty years.

    But I do have three brothers and a father who are die-hard Vikings fans.  So despite 

    the fact that I'm a fashion-loving, bauble-wearing, design-obsessed girlie-girl, I was

    truly crushed by Sunday's loss.  In honor of my home team and those who love them,

    Luxe & Lucid is featuring all things purple this week.  Who knew football could be so inspiring? 







    rothko red orange tan and purple 1954

    The power of purple brought to life by artist Mark Rothko.




    emma watson teen vogue 1

    Emma Watson in Teen Vogue – darling.  And check out her ride!





    Saipua, a florist in Brooklyn, has the lushest, most incredible arrangements I have ever seen.




    ysl fragrance

    I’ve been on a bit of a fragrance kick lately.  YSL’s Parisienne has notes of blackberry, rose and sandalwood.







    Kelly Wearstler’s new book HUE (I have a signed copy!) and photos of her home office.






    purple eyes gucci

    I loved Gucci’s 2009 spring/summer ad campaign.

    Only girls this gorgeous could rock intense violet eye shadow.





    I became fascinated by the work of Josef Albers as a fine arts major in college.

    The German artist was a color theorist whose “Homage to the Square”

    series illustrated the relationship and interaction of adjacent colors.







    kimberly klosterman amethyst cufflinks

    Incredible!  A pair of amethyst cufflinks from Kimberly Klosterman.






    solis betancourt

    Two rooms by Solis Betancourtmy mentors and professional heroes – both featured in Southern Accents.





    anya hindmarch purple patent buddy clutch

     This aubergine clutch from Anya Hindmarch is insanely chic.







     Louboutin’s signature red heel gives this ladylike lilac pump a little va va voom.






    aerin lauder dinrm elle decor

     Aerin Lauder’s dining room in Elle Decor showcases the sexy sophistication of purple.





    plum sykes met gala

    Speaking of glamorous, successful, New York women.

    Plum Sykes wearing, well, plum … and violet, raspberry, etc.





    lindsay lilacs

    A vignette of lilacs, reds and creams in the Virginia living room of a Huntley & Co. client.








    jones purple ottoman

    And an ottoman upholstered in an orchid-hued moiré in another client’s Pennsylvania Avenue pad.




    reese-witherspoon nina ricci

    One of Reese Witherspoon’s best red carpet moments.

    Her deep purple ombré Nina Ricci gown was a stunner.




    colin in purple ascot

    And because I'm always looking for an excuse to Google Colin Firth …

    Only a man as handsome as this Oscar-contender could rock a lavender ascot and look dashing.





    – Professional Huntley & Co. photos by Kevin Allen Photography

  • Sign Language

    I’m a January baby and a proud Capricorn.

    I can’t say that I’m an astrology advocate, but I do get a kick out of reading my horoscope this

    time of year.  Besides the fact that I often find my cosmic description to be dead-on accurate,

    I love the idea of my life and character being written in the stars.  A very anti-Capricorn concept

    to say the least which is why this is a once a year indulgence.  Luxe & Lucid is a platform for

    celebrating what makes us unique as individuals – whatever the context.  Sign me up!




    Famous Capricorns_2010

    Famous Capricorns … I’m in pretty good company.




    sjae alexandre ramswoodbookends_main 

    This pair of ram’s head bookends from Sjae Alexandre is so good-looking, it almost makes me want to be an Aries.






    A candle from Soular Therapy’s Astrological Aromatherapy collection.

    Cancer’s keynotes are Jasmine and White Rose.










    Pisces -Boxed in the Zodiac pattern by Wedgwood China


    Astrology has even inspired a company as traditional as Wedgwood to produce a zodiac collection.

    All 12 signs including Pisces shown here are available through replacements.com.












    russian vogue dec09


    Russian Vogue’s take on Aries, Capricorn and Gemini respectively.











    zodiac cufflinks - Copy


    Silver Zodiac Cufflinks by artist Michele Delville.












    flessas design zodiac mirror



    A mid-century mirrored zodiac clock from Flessas Design in New York.









    sjae org_zodiacwallart 


    And a large-scale wall sculpture also from Sjae Alexandre in Los Angeles.









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     Asha by ADM’s gold and mother of pearl Sagittarius ring.












    Kris Kristofferson would probably cringe knowing I've included him in a blog about horoscopes.    

    How could I resist when he has an album titled Jesus was a Capricorn?   Mr. Kristofferson is one of

    my heroes.  And it's a short list.  He is a true renaissance man with, in my opinion, the coolest resumé

    of the 20th century: Rhodes Scholar, Oxford graduate, helicopter pilot, Nashville legend, movie star. 

    If you don't know anything about this über-brilliant and eternally cool Everyman, it's time to find out.










    A feature on Capricorn from the blog Love Smacked & Starstruck.  So accurate it’s scary!

    Check out what’s in store for your sign in the months to come.









    Happy birthday to all my fellow January babes! 


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    Tricia xo