• Unleash Your Power!

    The last 24 hours have not been easy. To see a fierce, beautiful, intelligent, and accomplished woman lose to a (insert reader’s choice) has me reeling. Yet despite the shock and distress, we have seen nothing but grace from her. Typical. Just like a woman. It just proves how awe-inspiring women are. Goddam we’re fabulous. So if you have held back, stayed small, or lived in doubt – now is the time to DO YOU. Wear what you want, speak your mind, start that business, move abroad (not a bad idea). The braver, fiercer, bolder version of you is waiting. And we are here to cheer you on!

    A Powerful Vibe (aka strong + feminine)

    Contrary to a certain, popular narrative, women are not one-dimensional. A woman can be ambitious and sensitive, athletic and feminine, creative and type-A (yours truly). Case in point, the Huntley & Co. vibe. It’s a study of contrasts, eclectic and somewhat disparate. Not everyone gets it, and that’s OK. It resonates for me and feels like home.

    My Secret Point of Power

    Perfectly inline with this week’s topic, is one of my favorite things to use in the studio – PowerPoint. I’m not kidding. I have learned to exploit this software within an inch of its life and it always has more to give. I do create the occasional slide show, but you wouldn’t believe how many other uses there are for it.


    A static 3D design of a room (den) with dark walls, a fireplace, furniture, lighting, and rugs designed by Huntley & Co.

    3 Unexpected Ways I Use PowerPoint:

    1. Vibe boards (e.g., like the one at top)

    2 Our huntleyco “roomXroom” files:

    For our projects, we collect images of furnishings, lighting, etc. and copy them into slides, sort, and label them by room. We hyperlink all of the photos and delete and replace them as the design develops.

    3. 3-dimensional elevations

    The room shown here was created in PowerPoint. It’s not as robust a program as SketchUp or Revit, but it’s a thousand times faster and easier … and creates beautiful results!

    Screenshot(s) of the Week

    Rebranding chocolate as “Wenge” is genius marketing. It didn’t need to be done, but I dig it.

    I wish I could properly credit these gorgeous photos. @wittok1 is a curator, not the source.

    Here is to the women who fight the good fight, stand tall, and persevere. Bravo!

    signature of name Tricia

    Hey Insider – If you are noodling on a problem or project, I may be able to help! Share in comments.

    Otherwise, I will see you next week or on social media. Links below.


    “The glamorous space where tradition and modernity collide.”

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

  • Art to Interior

    I love art.  I considered curatorial studies for a time while in college.  During my first exhibit installation, however, I broke two large glass plates protecting a famous photographer’s work.  I concluded pretty quickly that “this is probably not for me”.   Still, my love affair continued well into my interior design degree and career.  There is almost no genre or medium that I don’t appreciate in some way.  A 1982 kinetic sculpture and an oil portrait from the 19th century can both stir my senses.  It follows then that artwork sometimes informs my designs.   


    Essie, Ruby and Ferdinand – Children of Asher Wertheimer, 1902

     john singer sargent tate museum

    It’s hard to not love Sargent.  His oil paintings are lush, moody and undeniably beautiful.  I chose this work as a jumping off point for a media principal’s office for its sophistication and intimacy.


    The idea here is art as muse.  I pulled what spoke to me – the colors, tones, textures and emotions.  My design is an interpretation of the painting, not a copy of it.

     anteroom design by Huntley & Co.

    Our client’s office is entered by way of an anteroom.  The space is a waiting area for visitors and serves as a buffer between her office and the staff workplace.  The finish selections and air of elegance are derived from the Sergent painting.  But as this is a modern woman’s office and a Huntley & Co. interior, we changed tack by mixing genres and funking up certain elements.

    Tricia Huntley drawings for Luxe & Lucid

    – plan & anteroom elevations –

    office by Huntley & Co.

    Office interior by Huntley & Co. Interior Design


    Huntley & Co. elevations forLuxe & Lucid

    – office elevations –

    Our client is a businesswoman and loving mother.  She is worldly, feminine and capable – someone who is both interesting and interested.  Her combination of sophistication, warmth and strength is part of what has made her a success in her field.  With that in mind, we imbued her workspace with a similar sensibility and furnished it with antiques, modern European pieces and an impressive art collection.  We think Mrs. Asher Wertheimer would have approved.


    tricia huntley

    Subscribe to our newsletter or find us on Bloglovin’ and you won’t miss a thing. 

  • Branded


    There is one question I receive more than any other from prospective clients, writers, editors, vendors and

    the public-at-large.  “What’s Your Style?”  Simple enough I suppose.  After all, most designers and novice

    decorators have a catch phrase … “edited elegance”, “shabby chic”, “retro glam”, etceteraThe funny thing

    is that despite having worked as an interior designer for fifteen years and having my own firm for five, I’ve never

    been able to provide a nice neat answer to that all-important question.  I guess I found it difficult to sum up all

    of my professional passions and aspirations into a few choice words.  And perhaps subconsciously I realized

    that I needed to soak up as much as I could from the talented pool of designers, architects and artisans around

    me before attaching myself to a specific slogan.  Or maybe I’m just a knucklehead.  Whatever the reason, in this

    era of branding, I think it’s time to find a trademark for TRICIA HUNTLEY INC. and certainly for HUNTLEY & CO.

    I believe I have a contender, so I’m hoping the Luxe & Lucid audience will help me with my decision.  Based on

    the cues below, let me know if I’m on target.  I welcome comments and suggestions from my clever readers.






    – Influential Designers -



      sills huniford

    JB group 3 

    SB group

    Sills Huniford (now parted), Jeffrey Bilhuber & Solis Betancourt (top to bottom),

    Three stellar firms that deliver genius with every project.  Of course, I may be a little partial to SB

    since it is headed by my former bosses who happen to be the nicest, most gracious men on earth.





    - The Glamour Found in Nature -


       hydrangeas0001   natural glamour0006 

      jacques garcia temple 1   rock

    I love me a manicured hedge and a nice hunk of rock.

    Jacques Garcia temple photo c/o World of Interiors





    – Gorgeous, Dramatic Art –





      elliott pink 






     John Singer Sargent, Elliott Puckette, Francisco Goya & Giacometti (top to bottom).





    – Sexy, Laid-Back, All-American Fashion –



    fashion 3

    Tory Burch, Gwyneth Paltrow and one of my favorite looks -  skinny jeans, flats and a [faux] fur coat. 






    – My Collected Thoughts-






    hippie chic








    This scrapbook is a collection of images I have pulled because they are beautiful

    and inspiring, regardless of context.  I started this “stream of consciousness” project

    to help me with the idea of branding and to jump start the design for my own house.







    – My Own Work –



    H&C combo


    Whether I’m working on a modern apartment or sprawling traditional home, there are always

    three elements key to my interiors; they need to be beautiful, original and unpretentious.  Not 

    only do I want them to reflect the spirit and lifestyle of my clients, but I want them to be livable.








      So taking all of the above into consideration, I think the best way to describe my style is …










      Wacha’ think?  Tricia xo




    * Refer to blog posts Designer DNA and Wuzzup?

    as well as the Huntley & Co. website for more info.