I had a busy week. Meetings, travel, design events, etc.  A jam-packed schedule isn’t necessarily enjoyable mid-stream, but I always love the results.  I meet new people, see interesting things, get inspired, and in general, shake things up a bit.  Between DC and New York, I stumbled upon some fabulous finds this past week.  Whether it was design or fashion, food or art, it seemed that new and exciting things were available and in abundance.  Of course there is never enough time to take it all in.  It’s a good thing I am able to document it all with my trusty iphone and enjoy the fruits of my labor long after my work and the week is done.



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    I love beautiful textiles and rugs.  Especially when they are assembled together in a stunning collection.  Subtle, graphic, textural or glamorous – it doesn’t really matter to me.  Gorgeous is gorgeous regardless of content or genre.



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    Fall is always a delicious time for fashion.  Even if you can’t purchase everything you see behind the glass, you can certainly draw inspiration from the displays and create new, eclectic ensembles within your existing wardrobe.  I personally am all over this season’s bold colors, layers, baggie pants and fur jackets.    



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    You can troll all day on the internet, but there is nothing like seeing the real thing.  I can’t get enough of unique yet elegant, statement-making furniture.  Unfortunately, I need another chair like I need a hole in the head.  It was hard to resist these stellar vintage finds.




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    I’m a big fan of Julie Wolfe’s work.  So to see her paintings and jewelry in-residence was quite a treat.  Plus Julie is such a cool chic –  interesting, laidback and irreverent.  The evening was hosted by George Hemphill and marked by contemporary artwork, incredible jewelry, wine and a “deconstructed food installation”.  Loved it.  



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    It wasn’t my last stop this weekend, but it was definitely one of the more photogenic.  Ted’s Bulletin is a throwback to yesteryear with the style and ambiance to match.  If dining, I would stick to the burgers and shakes.  If you’re there for a cocktail, order a Jessie Clark.  Besides the delicious concoction of chamomile-infused scotch, orange marmalade and chocolate bitters, the drink is served with a perfectly round ice cube produced in seconds by The Macallan ice ball machine.  An entertaining and purposeful gadget whether you’re a scotch aficionado or not.  


     Tricia xo


  • Mother Nature, The Original Muse

    I created the inspiration board below for a client this week.  The concept of “bespoke-modern-organic” is specific to this particular project, but it’s also an underlying theme I try to channel in my work.  I often find that design is at its best when it is inspired by something true and natural.  And I don’t mean conservative.  Mother nature is not exactly bourgeoisie; she rocks some pretty crazy stuff.  She informs some of the most interesting, avant garde art and design.  She’s the perfect muse.




    Copy of stonesource    xmas wrapping

    Samples of stone slabs and my Christmas wrapping from last year.


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    The “bloom” of the coolest plant ever, Asclepias (aka Monkey Balls).  A pillow in the new Kelly Wearstler fashion boutique at Bergdorf’s. 


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    The underside of a mushroom being prepped for dinner.  Several pleating options from a favorite textile manufacturer in the DC Donghia showroom. 


    Copy of natural history museum gala_getty    sculpture

    The ribcage of a dinosaur skeleton at the Museum of Natural History.  A sculpture at Darrell Dean in Georgetown. 

    seashell    House of Lavande Seashell Cuff_Modus Operandi

     A beautiful shell I found on the beach in Chappaquiddick last summer.  House of Lavande’s Seashell Cuff.

    amazon mushroom_julie wolfe    Sophie's Bracelet

    The incredible artist, Julie Wolfe, took this photo in the Amazon rainforest while traveling via the Art in Embassies program.  My chic, French friend Sophie wears this delicate, yet modern bracelet with flair.


    Nest with shadow  Ring with shadow 

    The simple beauty of a bird’s nest finds its way to a handcrafted gold ring.



    Thanks ma’ for all the goodies!

    Tricia xo



  • Tune Out and Turn On


    I’m inspired as of late.  I’m finding crazy/wonderous/beautiful things everywhere I look.  It’s like I’ve snapped out of a foggy stupor.  I haven’t discovered a new vitamin or taken up Buddhism, but I have made a committed effort to unplug from the oversaturated and under-inspired world of regurgitated design.  It’s become pretty obvious lately that most of what’s online, in magazines and in the stores is the same recycled concept over and over again – i.e., a random mix of genres with the ubiquitous pop of color, pseudo-ethnic pillows and obligatory mid-century focal piece.  Bleh, enough!  In this day and age it seems that the internet has become our main source of inspiration – I think that may actually be one of the seven signs of the apocalypse – and everyone is plugged into the same circuit.  So as one who is not only guilty of this crime, but who champions the cause (yes, I realize as a blogger I am the pot calling the kettle black), I say turn off your smartphone, log off Facebook, ignore this week’s blog feed and look around you.  There is beauty in the world!







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    Tricia xo




  • Scenes from a Vacation – Part II (finally!)


    As mentioned in my last post, I added an extra day to my northern California vacation so I could spend some time in San Francisco before heading back east. I hadn’t been to the bay area in years and had honestly forgotten what all the fuss was about. But I figured why not make a pit stop in an old stomping ground and segue a bit more gently back into life in DC. I was more than taken with the heavenly weather (68 degrees in August) and the lively urban atmosphere – crowded cafes, locals out walking their dogs and great shopping – in Pacific Heights where we spent the day. And although the word “hip” could be used to describe the area’s watering holes, shops and fashions, it didn’t smack of trends like some cities. San Francisco is like the popular kid in high school: confident and cool without even trying. And a vibe like that may as well be crack to someone like me. I couldn’t get enough. Shopping I did – and successful I was. 

     Thanks San Fran for sharing your mojo with me!





    CIELO   A store full of gorgeous, high-end European brands.



    I picked up an Ann Demeulemeester blazer with chic, refined detailing …

    blazer combo

    … a scrumptious orchid-colored puffy jacket with cropped sleeves and sweet yet almost "goth" kitten-princess necklace.

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    NEST   The perfect name for a boutique with a homespun yet vagabond flair.


    nest montage

    New and vintage toys (check out the gorilla!), artwork, jewelry, furnishings and accessories.

    I purchased this silkscreened tiger tote, printed cotton robe and wood handle purse … and love them all.

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    HEIDI SAYS SHOE SALON   The sole-ful sister store of the Heidi Says fashion trifecta.


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     I found these flattering and totally versatile nude, patent leather wedges from Vera Wang Lavender.





    ELIZABETH CHARLES   A uniquely curated collection of fashions and accessories.


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    This boutique was uh-MA-zing!  I fell in love with everything.





    JONATHAN ADLER   Ebullient, over-the-top fun from this eponymous shop’s designer.


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    CROSSROADS    Vintage and consignment clothing, shoes, etc.



    My [sporty, crunchy, anti-fashion] friend Lori nearly died of heart failure when I walked out of the dressing room in this get-up.  Yes I bought a pair of gold lamé, parachute pants and a cropped grey hoodie. I think they’re fabulous, comfortable and totally hot.  





    JURLIQUE   Skincare, bath and body products.



    My masseuse in Sonoma recommended that I pick up a bottle of essential eucalyptus oil and add it to my morning shower to help relieve my nagging cough.





    OTD   Out-The-Door Vietnamese restaurant.



    We recharged at Out-The-Door with noodles, dumplings and wine.  Yummm!





    SWIG   Last stop … cocktails of course!




     With a sexy vibe, live music and bar stocked to the hilt - this club was the perfect finish to a perfect day!



    Tricia xosf



  • M.I.A.

    Not exactly. 

    I actually have a fabulous post ready to go.  I just can't seem to publish the damn thing.  Too many photos, too many megabytes.  I've tried to upload it about forty times over the last five days and nothing seems to work.  I am more than a little suspicious that Verizon - and our ridiculously slow internet speed – is the culprit.  That company is the devil!  Unfortunately that means "Scenes from a Vacation – part II" won't be seen for a few more days … until I can make it over to my boyfriend's house and borrow his computer.

    Sorry all.  What can I say?  Sometimes this side venture is a little less luxe & lucid and a lot more luxe & looney!




    Tricia  ; )

  • Scenes from a Vacation – Part I


    I just spent five days in Northern California with six girlfriends from home.  We’re known

    as “the nine” (I’ve mentioned them before) and were obviously short two on this trip.  We

    get together every summer, but this year we decided to do something extra special.  To

    round up that many women with husbands and careers and kids is no small task, so the

    fact that we accomplish it at all is a big deal.  An even bigger deal is how long we have

    sustained our friendships.  They date back to high school, grammar school and even pre-

    school for two of us.  Our longevity and stamina definitely warrant a celebration and where

    better to do that than wine country USA – Sonoma and Napa. It was the perfect venue. 

    Gorgeous vistas, delicious food and the chance to talk, laugh and share with friends I rarely

    see, but couldn’t live without.  Cheers to my crazy, spirited, hilarious gaggle of girlfriends! 






    Night one decompressing on our deck with cocktails.

    Our house was situated at the top of a mountain with views of the whole valley.









     We were picked up bright and early on day two for a day of wine tasting.

    That’s our driver in front leading us up a path to our first winery, Quixote.



    quixote 2

     Quixote is not your run-of-the-mill winery.  The unusual architecture, incredible art

    collection and one-of-a-kind wine barrels with their candy-colored hoops added to the

    magical, Willy Wonka-esque atmosphere.  And then of course, there was the wine.






    At the second winery, Honig, I found my Napa vibe …very chiiillll.



    For our third stop, we enjoyed a hillside lunch with the owners of the Frias

    Family Vineyard.  It was a lovely, low-key transition between wineries.









    The final winery of the day was Flora Springs in St. Helena.  Thank goodness for our laid-back

     and tolerant guide, Travis.  We were pretty pickled by that point, so you can only imagine what a

    handful we were.  He took it all in stride and treated us to perhaps our favorite tour of the day.







    della santinas

    We spent day 3 in Sonoma at the spa and finished with dinner at Della Santina’s.




    Our group split up on our last day in wine country.  Four of us chose to go riding on the Kunde Estate.

    The breathtaking views and our fantastic guide Dominic created a near perfect afternoon. 






     One last night of delicious wine and food at the award-winning Bistro Jeanty in Yountville – the

    tomato soup in puff pastry was a big hit with the girls and then it was back home for most of the

    group.  My friend Lori (far left) and I spent an extra day in San Francisco … but that’s another post.


    Read about San Francisco in my next post, Scenes from a Vacation – Part II.

    Tricia xo

  • Chez Huntley – update 08/05

     A great deal of progress has been made here in the past couple of weeks.  The millwork

    installation – new casing, baseboards and bookshelves – is complete.  The painting has

    been corrected and looks lovely.  Lighting fixtures have been installed in the foyer/living

    room along with simple, modern light switches and receptacles throughout the main floor.

    I’ve even styled my bookshelves and purchased a new painting for the dining room and a

    pair of cast greyhounds for the front entry.  And as excited as I am to move on to the next

    layer of furnishings and accessories, nothing is quite as important to good design as getting

    “the envelope” right.  I use this term A LOT in my work.  Cleaning up the architecture of a

    space and adding (or removing as the case may be) details is the key to a grounded and

    balanced interior.  And there is something really beautiful about a well-executed space

    that feels good even without any decor.  But of course, I’m an interior designer, so decor

    is essential too.  Once I add the furniture, softgoods and artwork, the space will really sing.


    – Projects –

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    I purchased this pair of deer sconces about 4 years ago and finally had the opportunity to

    use them.  I … ahem, I mean we (I got a lot of help from Molly, H&C employee extraordinaire)

    painted them white, so they have a more contemporary vibe appropriate for the house.


    A major accomplishment for me: my very first lighting installation!

    I was so proud.  I called my boyfriend, my parents and sent emails to friends everywhere.

    – Millwork –

    living room

    The new bookcases in my living room.  Cheap yet chic!

    I kept the lines simple and wrapped the baseboard around the front for a clean, modern look.  You’ll see

    that I was anxious to style the shelves with my books and accessories – I didn’t even wait to put away my tools. 

    Above the shelves are the freshly painted deer sconces with extra long candle sleeves and taupe silk shades.

    – New Purchases –


    This abstract oil painting circa 1960 has incredible color that almost glows.


    I found the painting above and this pair of greyhounds at Comer & Co. in Georgetown. 

    A fantastic new shop with exquisite things and wonderful service.

    And speaking of dogs … I’m happy to say that Nina is feeling much better this week.

    The little stinker kept pulling off her cone, so she was forced to rock this t-shirt instead.

    My poor pup was quite the fashion victim last week.


    Tricia xo

  • Puppy Love


    Some of you will understand this and some of you won’t.  But I am totally and completely in love with my dog.  Nina, my Norwegian Elkhound, is the love of my life.  This truth can be attributed to two things: (1) my never-ending affection and sensitivity for animals and (2) the fact that I don’t have children.  Nina is my kid … my canine kid.  I spend more time with her than any other living creature on the planet, her personality is as complex as any human’s and when she’s hurt, my heart breaks.  And since she had a medical procedure at the vet today that left her drugged, in pain and wearing one of those shameful cones, I thought it time that I dedicate a blog to her.  All other posts can wait. 

     I love you Nina!


    – Nina Feeling Poorly –


    My poor, doped-up baby wearing the bonnet of shame.

    – Nina the Pup –


     baby nina

    Sooooo cute!

    – Nina at Work –



    Helping select fabric samples at Huntley & Co.

    – Nina at Play –



    In the grass


    … and in the snow.

    – Nina at Rest –



    At the foot of my desk snuggling with her bear and bone.


    On the bed … and under it.


    In her “superman” pose cooling her belly at the A/C vent.

    – Nina & Her Momma –


    T N

    In good times and in bad.

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    To the dog days of summer and all our beloved animal companions.

    Tricia & Nina xoxo

  • Chez Huntley – update 07/22

    “I’m fortunate that I can document all the progress on Luxe & Lucid for posterity.”

    Did I write that just last week?  Oh well.  One step forward, one step back.  We had a major hiccup this week at chez Huntley.  Remember all those beautiful neutrals I taped to my walls?  Remember that I selected Benjamin Moore’s Vanilla Milkshake as one of my colors?  That turned out to be a bit of a problem.  Upon the completion of 1 – and in many areas 2 – coats of this color, I noticed that it seemed a little off.  The rooms appeared to be a lot more white than ecru.  I thought perhaps it was all the light that pours into my house.  Or maybe my new downlights were brightening the space more than before.  Alas, when I taped the paint chip back up on the wall, it just wasn’t right.  To make a long story short, Benjamin Moore’s formula for Vanilla Milkshake #OC-59 is simply wrong.  The real color doesn’t match the paint decks.  Moreover, Monarch Paint and BM corporate don’t really care.  Umm, excuse me?  As someone who has spec’d countless Benjamin Moore colors in her career, this is more than a little alarming.  As a designer you can’t always be on site (or in-state or in the country) to review a test sample.  I can understand a slight difference in value or undertone, but this so-called vanilla is just plain white.  That means my entire first floor has to be painted again and that Tricia has to roll up her shirtsleeves and do some of the work herself.  Because I may have been comp’d freshly mixed (and corrected) gallons of paint for my troubles, but my painter and his crew don’t exactly work for free.  So add to my loaded schedule and to my resume …

    Tricia Huntley: Professional Interior Designer, Blogger & House Painter

     Thanks Ben!



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    Vanilla should be, well, vanilla.  Right?!









    The sample that says it all.

    Vanilla Milkshake as sample (on left) and in reality (on right).






    The paint store’s work product.



    A little GRRRR to go with your morning coffee today.

    Hoping for a little more “progress” in next week’s progress report.

    Tricia  : [



  • Chez Huntley – update 07/15

      After a painful start to 2011 and an arduous renovation on the Huntley & Co. office, I

    am happy to say that work has finally begun on my own home.  Phase 1 is underway!

    The millwork, the hardware, the furnishings and the fabrics have all been selected.  The

    subcontractors are on site and all is chugging along.  It’s a little bit surreal, in fact.  I’ve

     overseen dozens of renovation projects, but it feels a lot different in my own space.  I’m

    fortunate that I can document all the progress on Luxe & Lucid for posterity.  Cheers

    to progress.  Cheers to design.  And cheers to the new and improved chez Huntley!




    – The Facade –




    A little more groomed, but there’s still a lot of work to be done.






    – The Public Rooms Scheme –




    The fabrics and finishes for the first floor rooms have a natural yet glamorous

    vibe that suit the architecture of the house as well as my own aesthetic. 

    I’m sure there will be a little tweaking, but I definitely have a scheme in place.




    – Paint Colors –




    Neutrals have countless nuances, so you have to pick the value and hue that

    complement your lighting, furnishings and softgoods.  So far I’ve settled on

    Benjamin Moore’s Vanilla Milkshake and Sherwin William’s Windfresh White.

    – Work in Progress –


    Living Room



    Living Room


    Dining Room



    Dining Room




    Living Room / Dining Room / Sunroom





    Stair to Master Suite

    More to come – stay tuned!


    Tricia xo