• Garnet & Goats

    Hmmm, January.  This can be a challenging month.  The holiday sparkle has worn off, a little too much winter lies ahead and we’re all a whiter shade of pale.  I agree it’s tough to feel motivated when it’s cold and dreary outside and happiness is Haagen-Dazs and a Snuggie on Friday night.  However, I’m a January baby and a Capricorn which means I believe from problems come opportunities and there is still reason to celebrate a month as gloomy as this.  January can actually offer inspiration.  Not in an obvious way, but beneath the surface and outside the box.  As with so many things worthwhile, in January you have to dig a little deeper and work a little harder to get to the good stuff.



    January’s birthstone is like no other. The deep crimson is at once sophisticated and sultry. It has undeniable glamour, yet totally lacks pretention.


    earrings etsy red-garnet-pin-b1 islamic garnet ring

     Garnet jewelry is always dramatic.

    Modern earrings by Caprichosa, antique Victorian brooch, Islamic ring,



    lips - Copy

     This look from Gucci is all about the lips. I have been saving this photo since fall with the intentions of replicating it for a glamorous night.


     My current garnet pedicure.



    A stunning garnet velvet I used alongside pastel fabrics in a Virginia living room.

     And speaking of fabric …


     The gorgeous drape of Zac Posen on Naomi Watts at the Golden Globes. She is always red carpet perfection.



     January is the month of Janus, the Roman god of gates and doorways.  As a designer and architecture buff, I photograph a lot of gates and doorways … actually more than I realized once I began combing through my files.

     munich gate   IMG_0027   IMG_2739

     dc   157414949446075309_pCCiY9eI_c[1]   italy 2

     IMG_3123   Dubuque church door - Copy   dumbarton oaks_p. philip

     – all photos from my life and travels except central image –

    row 1:  Munich, Los Angeles, Hempel Hotel

    row 2:  Georgetown, Melbourne residence (via est Magazine), Italy

    row 3:  Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, Dubuque church, Dumbarton Oaks



     Although January 19 ended Capricorn’s (i.e. the goat’s) reign, it’s never too late to have fun with die ziege.

    montreux 046

     We found these darling little guys in Montreux.

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           If there’s one thing most of us like to do in January, it’s eat.  And Lord knows, I love me my cheese … thank you goats!  Clearly a girl who takes photos of cheese and cheese shops (as seen here) has a thing for chevre.

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    Goatskin (often referred to as vellum or parchment) is a preferred material of designers and furniture makers both contemporary and past.  I gravitate to it myself and have selected several furniture pieces for projects over the years.  Like wood or marble, its beauty is innate and born from nature; it can’t be faked.

     Furnishings for DC, Switzerland and London Huntley & Co. projects respectively.



    The colors of winter may seem a bit solemn, but they translate beautifully.

     white on white bedroom  Puro Hotel Mallorca

    White, grey and pale works in a stark, ethereal European bedroom or in a bar/restaurant on Mallorca.

    vermeil rings_mathilde denglade

    Moonstone and black onyx rings by Mathilde Danglade.


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    The concept of black and white in art stretches beyond the medium of photography.

    A painting by Picasso, a photo study of a golf swing and a neon installation by Glenn Ligon.


    sled dogs

     Perhaps the only thing that could entice me to spend an afternoon in subzero temperatures – beautiful, beguiling and utterly happy sled dogs.

    Happy January.  Hopefully your new year is off to a good start!

    Tricia xo


  • Seven

    January 11 marked the seven year anniversary of  Huntley & Co. Interior Design.  Amazing how time flies!  In honor of my biz’s birthday, I’m sharing seven sets of seven favorites.  I typically champion quality over quantity, but it’s nice to be surrounded by inspiration – from design to television to words of wisdom – in abundance these days.  Here’s to seven years of success, a fantastic 2013 and a life filled with beauty, humor and a healthy dose of fun.




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    KAP_9952[1]  Copy of KAP_Bath1_7894  DSCN3171

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    paragraphI am OBSESSED with the work of the artists below.  Need me a millionaire (or maybe billionaire) boyfriend.

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    A spectacular collection of architecture is featured in February’s issue of AD. 

    Four of the structures are included below along with three photos from my own travels.


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    Perot Museum_Dallas  –  Harpa Concert Hall_Reykjavik


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    The Shard_London  –  Gardens by the Bay_Singapore


    NYC   Lausanne   Sienna


    New York Public Library_NYC  –  Rolex Learning Center_Lausanne, Switzerland  –  steps of Siena


    7 BOOKS


    Life, Keith Richards

    A surprisingly poignant memoir from the ultimate rock star.


    Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn

    The best plot twist since The Sixth Sense.


      Middlesex, Jeffrey Eugenides

    A story spanning 3 generations of Greek-Americans and featuring a young, hermaphroditic protagonist named Calliope. 

     An epic, unorthodox Pulitzer Prize winner.


    Religion for Atheists, Alain de Botton

    For the open-minded, curious individual who seeks to understand all sides of an argument.

      The Black Spider, Jeremias Gotthelf

    A 19th century novella about a small German town infested with spiders after one of the villagers makes a pact with the devil.

     A good old-fashioned religious allegory written to inspire fear.


    The World of Muriel Brandolini

    I had to include one design book.Brandolini’s work is completely original and worth a study.


    Blood, Bones & Butter, Gabrielle Hamilton

    This was just recommended to me. I can’t wait to sink my teeth into it, so to speak.


    7 SHOWS


    I’m not one of those people who claims she never watches TV.

    With provocative storylines, million dollar sets and brilliant characters, you’re missing out if you’re not tuning in.


    Downton Abbey

    Delicious and addictive whether you’re an aesthete or not.


    paragraphdowntown abbey 


    Top Chef

    The tenth season is as mouth-watering as ever and has been featuring some serious girl power.


    Mad Men

    Like any dashing, egocentric, womanizing man worth his salt, Don Draper still has us hooked.


    It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

    Characters so wrong, you can’t help but champion their insanity.



    For those of us who felt robbed when Deadwood ended.




    Walking Dead

    A smart, well-crafted show about zombies. Who would have thunk it?



    A serial killer show starring Kevin Bacon and James Purefoy. I’m sold. Premieres January 21.






    “You were born an original. Don’t die a copy.”


    “Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say and not giving a damn.”

    – Gore Vidal


     “I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.”

    – Estee Lauder


    “The best love is the one that makes you a better person without changing you into someone other than yourself.”


    “It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings.”

    – Ann Landers


      “I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.”

    – Bill Cosby


    “Don’t try to explain yourself to stupid people. You’re not the Jackass Whisperer.”




    My other baby is seven too!


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    Tricia xo

  • Holiday House_The Reveal

    After an arduous final push, I am happy to say, ze’ room is ready!  Tricia and her team worked tirelessly to pull it all together.  Now I can escape to my sumptuous and relaxed lounge with its soaring windows and glorious light whenever I am in New York.  As you can see below, the space is already set for a party – a holiday luncheon that I intend to turn into an all-night bash.  In fact, you’re all invited (through November 18).  Let’s celebrate!



    Huntley and Company 

    Ahhhh, “home glamorous home”.



    photo 29_yes

    Chic yet comfortable seating?  Oui.

    photo 33_yes

    Dining table nestled between dramatic art and a chandelier dripping with porcelain fairies?  Oui.

    photo 38

    A bar tucked in the corner and stocked to the hilt?  But of course!



    photo 13 photo 30 photo 18


    photo 11_yes

    Including an incredible sculpture, “Mascara” by artist Edwina Sandys.



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    Tricia being interviewed by the effervescent Tori Mellott …

      photo 24

    and ready to party (!) with Huntley & Co. assistant-extraordinaire, Sarah Beth.


    Auf wiedersehen, my lovelies.  It’s been fun!




    Special thanks to Designer Attache, Roche Bobois, Lladro, Audio Doctor, Bespoke Global and Derek Skorupski

    * photo at top by Marco Ricca *

  • Holiday House

    I’m participating in a showhouse (yes, another one!) later this month, in New York.  This particular event, the “Holiday House” benefits the Breast Cancer Foundation founded by Evelyn Lauder and is held at the Academy Mansion – an incredible upper east side property that left me speechless upon my first visit.  Auspicious location?  Check.  Worthy charity?  Check.  Client?  Hmm, not so much.  As with all showhouses, that particular detail is missing.  And with no real client, that means I have to invent one so that I have a jumping off point for my design and a concept to fall back on when I’m flooded with options.  Keeping in mind the grandeur of the spaces and the impetus for the event, it seemed a strong-willed, yet feminine muse fit the persona of my would-be client.  And who fits that description better than the legend herself, Marie Antoinette; the original “hostess with the mostest” with the backdrop to match.  Our room will become a lounge space complete with sofas, dining area and bar, so our modern-day M.A. can wine and dine her patrons and groupies in style.  We begin the installation next week, so here’s a sneak peek at some of the inspiration behind the upcoming transformation.


     candle sconce  balenciaga  kirsten in chair  

    hotel  fassbender  RB

    essie  quote coco  paris casual  powder room

    stockings - Copy  cand;es  lauduree


    October 25 – November 18

    2 East 63rd Street, NYC

  • Don’t Call it a Comeback

    Like LL Cool J, I didn’t go anywhere.  I’ve just been busy.  I’ve mentioned before that publishing L+L takes a lot of time and that I’m just not the type to half a– it.  So I’ve been on a hiatus from le blog and dedicating my time to all-things Huntley & Co. (as it should be).  But that doesn’t mean I’ve been chained to my desk these past few months.  Here’s a look back at some of my adventures since December.

    December_Art Basel & Design Miami

    IMG_0056   IMG_9859   IMG_9957

    IMG_9993   IMG_9921   IMG_9988

    Ridiculous art and mind boggling design amidst throngs of fabulous people from everywhere.

    December_Park City

      Skiing_PC 2011Dec   Copy of IMG_0304   Wahso cropped

    Skiing, shopping and New Year’s Eve at Wahso tucked into our own private booth.


    IMG_0634   IMG_0352   IMG_0611

    A penthouse project on the Thames, the Dean Street Townhouse hotel and a late night of theater and live music with a client.

    February_DC Design House

    Design house 2012_floor plan 02-01-12

    I’m designing the Master Bedroom Sitting Room at the 2012 DC Design House in Spring Valley.  The space is a gem and the design is going to be so chic.  Come visit – it opens to the public April 14!

    More fun things to follow.  Look for another update sooner than later.

    Tricia xo

    P.S. Thanks for your emails.  It’s nice to know L+L has been missed!


  • [Re]defining Beauty

    I made a long overdue trip to the nail salon this weekend for a mani/pedi. And while scanning the assortment of possible nail colors from which to choose, I stumbled upon a stunning shade of peacock blue. It’s one of my favorite colors in general – rich, complex, almost regal – so the thought of it on my fingertips was titillating. Sure enough, I love it. Not only do I think the shade of blue is absolutely stunning, but in a strange way, I think it complements my skin tone. It’s funny then that some of the conservative loved ones in my life don’t share my enthusiasm. Don’t they see what I see? What’s not to like? Some people think pretty is synonymous with conventional. But I think some of the prettiest things are those that are actually unconventional. I’m not talking about anything bizarre or distasteful. I mean looking beyond labels and stereotypes and thinking about what makes something beautiful … the confidence with which a man carries himself, the complex ideas behind an abstract painting, the texture of an unusual plant. Of course, what’s stunning will always catch our eye, but sometimes beauty and substance wear an unexpected guise.


    My peacock blue manicure.

    toulouse-lautrec-henri-de-woman-pulling-up-her-stocking-1894 toulouse-lautrec 1

    A study for “Woman Pulling Up Her Stocking” and “Salon in the Rue Des Moulins”.

    Henri De Toulouse-Lautrec found inspiration in bars and brothels. Unseemly venues perhaps, but the artist found warmth and vivid color in these unlikely spectacles.

    felicity brown_kimberley faria

    Felicity Brown’s 2010 collection was inspired by Toulouse-Lautrec’s work.


    Tilda Swinton is a chameleon on and off-screen. She can look ethereal, severe or aristocratic.

    dighomedesign david harber_sculpture elegant-lighter-lamp_nabuzz

    Some people don’t like modern art or furniture. It’s hard to understand with gorgeous, sculptural shapes likes these.

    dalia kloss

    Who needs gold or diamonds? Dahlia Kloss’ necklace is a showstopper without precious metals or stones.

    Rosy-Boa-copy-600x600 Malayan-Coral-Snake-copy-600x600

    Although two of the world’s deadliest snakes, the Rosy Boa and Malayan Coral Snake are also two of the most beautiful.

    john hawkes imdb rolling-stones_soniceditions adrian brody_emrecan us

    John Hawkes, Mick Jagger & Adrian Brody.

    The talent and swagger of these men makes their unconventional looks incredibly sexy.

  • Chez Huntley – update 11/13

    I am happy to write that the public spaces of chez Huntley are more or less complete.  Hallelujah!  And while I would love to give my readers a comprehensive 360 degree tour … it aint’ gonna happen.  Apparently divulging too much about a project on one’s blog limits its exposure elsewhere, so I’ve learned.  When did design get so complicated?!  So alas another sneak peek will have to suffice.  Hopefully the pix are enough of a fix – enjoy!   


    — Chez Huntley Interior Details —


    Tricia Huntley DC residence_Living Room chaise    Tricia Huntley DC residence_door knocker    Tricia Huntley DC residence_Living Room hearth

      Tricia Huntley DC residence_Living Room lucite chair    Tricia Huntley DC residence_Den    Tricia Huntley DC residence_Den sofa pillows

    Tricia Huntley DC residence_Powder Room detail    Tricia Huntley DC residence_Stairhall detail    Tricia Huntley DC residence_Den vignette

    Tricia Huntley DC residence_antlers at entrance    Tricia Huntley DC residence_Den vignette    Tricia Huntley DC residence_Dining Room wallpaper and lighting

    My home reflects my own personal vibe.  I love drama and a bit of sparkle, but I need natural elements to ground the glitz.  For me, a humble sense of glamour is what makes a home (and life) truly elegant.

     white box lp

    Tricia xo




  • Chez Huntley – update 11/07

    There has been a lot of activity at chez Huntley since my last update.  I gave myself a Thanksgiving deadline for the public spaces, so once the calendar read October I had to get my a– in gear.  I actually like the pressure of a deadline.  It gives you clarity and forces you to be decisive.  And as I’ve mentioned before, that doesn’t come naturally when one is both the client and the designer.  There is still quite a bit of work to be done, but the next few weeks will be full of exciting developments.  For now, enjoy a sneak peek (emphasis on peek) at some of the details installed thus far.

    1_knob  2_paper  3_sink

     4_paper  5_floor  6_pedestal

    7_sculpture  8_chair  9_stairs

    Tricia xoxo


  • Goth & Gorgeous

    I probably won’t be hired anytime soon by clients with a dark, wicked sense of style and a penchant for all things goth.  After all, I live in Washington DC.  Oh, but wouldn’t it be fun.  I said to a colleague recently that the more homogenized design becomes, the crazier I want to be – with my interiors, with fashion and in art.  And what better time to embrace the avant-garde and darker side of style than on Halloween.  It may be just a fantasy, but I would love to find some risk-taking, live-out-loud clients, throw the rule book out the window and create an irreverent, unconventional and totally goth rockstar pad.



     I hear they are breaking up, but Jack White and Karen Elson will always be one of my favorite couples.  So unique, so dramatic.



    – THE SALON –

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     A space filled with daring, sculptural pieces.






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     Brutalism, Bacon, Blackman-Cruz.  Throw in some vintage and Wearstler and you have one drop-dead gorgeous dining room.






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     The overall concept may lean toward hardcore, but the bedroom should still be a lair of love.  Edgy with an underlying sexy femininity.





     Tricia^ ^  )

    For more dark and delicious inspiration, check out past Luxe & Lucid Halloween posts Mad About Macabre and Diabolique.  Have a scary and scintillating Halloween!



    * items above c/o 1st Dibs, Blackman Cruz, Flair, Fort Street Studio, Ironies, Jean de Merry, Ralph Pucci, The Rug Company and Usona